ASID Intermountain

2024 Design Excellence Awards

Awards Program Dates

Registration Open
From: June 3, 2024 12:00AM MDTTo: July 27, 2024 11:59PM MDT
Entry Management Open
From: June 11, 2024 12:00AM MDTTo: July 27, 2024 11:59PM MDT
Rules & Regulations



ASID Intermountain Chapter MEMBERS ONLY – Not a member, submit an application for membership to join our community at:

Early Bird Registration: $100 per entry (deadline 6/20/24 at 11:59PM)

Regular Registration: $150 per entry (from 6/21/24 – 7/27/24 at 11:59PM)

*** Residential and Commercial categories are only open to Designers with an ASID Professional, Allied, or Associate Membership.

*** Industry Partner categories are only open to Industry Partners. 


Residential Awards

  • Best Residence
  • Best Kitchen
  • Best Bathroom
  • Best Living Space (other than Kitchen or Bathroom)
    • Example: Office, Outdoor, Great Room…           

Commercial Awards - Hospitality, Healthcare, Wellness, Retail, Workplace, Education, Government

  • Spaces over 15,000 sf                       
  • Spaces under 15,000 sf                     

Industry Partner Awards

  • Best Showroom Remodel
  • Best use of Product or Services

Each category judged must have a minimum of three entrees. To ensure impartial judging, all of the entries will be judged anonymously by fellow ASID chapter(s).  Submissions will be judged according to category submitted as well as the following criteria.  Successful entries must demonstrate exceptional design and positive impact on life and the human experience.

Our judges will use a weighted scale as outlined below:

20 pts.     How did your Design Impact Lives? Word Limit 500 words.  Design statement that clearly states creative    challenges faced in each project, goals and solutions implemented to work within these challenges.

10 pts.     Functional use of space, state the goals of the design

10 pts.     Scale and proportion: Include square footage

10 pts.     Color and composition

20 pts.     Creativity of the design solution. Is the design approach creative & appropriate? Describe innovative use of materials.  

10 pts.      Innovative use of lighting

10 pts.      Use of Sustainable design principles. Note any sustainable attributes or standards that were employed.

10 pts.      Use of Universal design principles. Note any universal/accessible standards that were employed.

TOTAL     100 Points


  • Your name or firm name may not appear in any of the files or images or your entry will be immediately disqualified. Refunds are not given if your entry is disqualified.
  • Entrant(s) must be a current member of the Intermountain Chapter of ASID in good standing.
  • Payment is per entry. Participant must register and attend our 2024 Annual Meeting and Design Excellence Awards on September 26, 2024 to be held in: Boise, ID / Bozeman, MT / Salt Lake City, UT / Jackson Hole, WY. The four event locations TBD.     
  • Participant may submit multiple projects under each category; applicable entry fee applies to each work submitted.
  • Upload high resolution photography, floor plan, and design statement for each submission.
  • Floor Plans must be submitted to scale, with scale noted or shown graphically in pdf format.
  • Include written design statement (500 word limit). How does your solution impact the lives of your clients?
  • Images: Add labels or captions for clarity, in a single PDF, 10 MB limit for each submission.
  • Upload design statement to folder. Save file as: designstatement.project name.category.pdf. Do not include your name, logo, or firm name.
  • Upload PDF of images including floor plan & indicate scale. Save file as: images.project name.category.pdf
  • Entry fees are nonrefundable.
  • Payments and entries must be received no later than June 20, 2024 at 11:59PM (MST) for Early Bird and no later than July 20, 2024 at 11:59PM (MST) for Regular submission. Late entries will not be accepted.

Participants grant the Intermountain Chapter of ASID the right to reproduce project images for promotional purposes. The Intermountain Chapter of ASID is not liable for any copyright infringement on the part of the participant or associate.

The Intermountain Chapter of ASID assumes all entries are the works and property of the participant and that clients and photographers of the projects have given their permission for the entry.

Gather your best projects, Save the Date for the Annual Meeting and Design Excellence Awards Event on September 26, 2024 at various locations in ID, MT, UT and WY.

Applicant and/or representatives from your firm MUST be registered for the Event AND in attendance to be eligible to receive an Award.




The ASID Intermountain Student Portfolio Competition is open to ASID Student members. Not a member? Submit an application for student membership at:

Early Bird Registration: $15 (deadline 6/20/24 at 11:59PM)

Regular Registration: $25 (6/21/24 – 7/27/24 at 11:59PM)

Intermountain Media Exposure
Enjoy the spotlight! As a competition winner, your talent will generate buzz. Through outreach and social media engagement, ASID Intermountain will share the news of your accomplishments with the ASID Intermountain community and beyond. Finalists and winners will also be given social media graphics to promote to their own networks. Finalists and winners will be featured on the ASID Intermountain website until the next competition’s honorees are named, showcasing your excellence to our broad membership of interior design leaders.

Portfolio Awards

First Place - $300

Second Place - $200

Third Place - $100 


Must be enrolled as an Interior Design student attending a college or university within the ASID Intermountain Chapter as of August 2023.

- Boise State University

- Ensign College

- Montana State University

- Salt Lake Community College

- University of Idaho

- University of Wyoming

- Utah State University

- Weber State University


The jury will assess each submission on:

  • Concept - How does this represent the way the student thinks?
  • Content - How does this submission represent the student’s ability?
  • Context - How doesthe submission represent who the student is and what the student has accomplished?
  • Execution - How well does the student communicate the content and value of their work?


Cover One page - Name, School, Expected Graduation Date, Statement (up to 500 well-chosen words)

Statement includes: 

- WHY do you care?
- WHY do you want to make an impact?
- WHY do you love design?

  • Should be written as if applying for a job or an internship.
  • The WHY should tell the jury who the student is and how the student thinks.
  • Emphasize the student’s impact.

ResumeOne page
Include education, applicable experience, and any other supporting information
(professional memberships, volunteer work, skills, awards, etc.).

Portfolio Up to four projects

  • Representation of student’s design capabilities.
  • Selected projects should showcase the impact of design on the human experience and
    the value interior design provides.
  • Individual vs. team projects should be identified. For team projects, students should
    identify role. More than one team project may be submitted.
  • Include process images (sketches, diagrams, etc.).
  • One project may be outside of interior design (ex. graphic design, architecture, art,
    research, writing, etc.).
  • The projects in the portfolio should support student’s WHY


Submissions will be evaluated on their concept, content, and context and will be evaluated on a 1 to 10 scale (1 being the lowest score and 10 being the highest).

  • Design Thinking and Creativity: 48% of total score
    - Quality of Written Statements and Project Descriptions
    - Originality, Ingenuity, and Creativity in Problem Solving
    - Innovation and Creativity in Design Elements
    - Incorporation of Universal Design Principles and Sustainability
    - Positive Impacts on Human Experience
  • Diversity of Capabilities and Communication: 22% of total score
    - Variety and Quality of Projects
    - Effective Communication
    - Professional Representation
  • Cover/Resume/Statement: 10% of total score
    - Impactful cover page
    - Clarity and Conciseness of Resume or Statement
  • Personal Identity and Design Journey: 10% of total score
    - Incorporation of Character and Structure
    - Relevant Biographical Information
    - Special Accomplishments, Interests, and Experiences
  • Overall Presentation and Organization: 10% of total score
    - Quality of Composition
    - Method of Presentation
    - Absence of Spelling and Grammatical Errors


  • Submission must be one digital document (PDF) no larger than 12 MB.
  • Each document should be composed of vector art and/or raster images.
  • Raster images should be at a resolution no less than 200 dpi and no greater than 300 dpi to maintain both visual clarity and manageable file sizes.
  • Documents should be legible at both distant and magnified views.
  • Projects may be hand drawn, computer generated, and/or a combination of both.
  • Notations and labeling must be clear and legible in a simple type of font.
  • Spelling and grammar should be flawless.
  • Submission – Up to 10 pages total including cover, statement, resume, and portfolio